Make An Inheritance Act Claim
Welcome to our web page on Making an Inheritance (Provision for family & Dependants) Act 1975 Claim Against an Estate.
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Inheritance Provision for Family & Dependants Act 1975
If you make a Will, you can give your estate away in whatever way you think fit. There is an exception to this however.
The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 provides protection and allows a spouse, children and other dependants to claim against an estate for financial dependency in the event of not being included in the Will.
The Court needs to consider whether the deceased made reasonable financial provision for parties who were financially dependant on them.
Any person wanting to make a claim must be alive. If the person dies, then their Personal Representatives cannot continue with their claim. There are various different categories of potential claimants. These include the following:-
- Spouse/Civil Partner
- Former Spouse/Civil Partner
- Cohabitee living 2 years in the same household.
- Child or person treated as a child.
- Person maintained immediately before death.
Reasonable Financial Provision
The test as to whether a claim will be successful is dependent on whether the financial provision that has been made for the Applicant is reasonable. This is an objective approach and is assessed based on the facts of the case, the testator’s reasons and any change in the beneficiary’s circumstances.
Two Standards
There are two standards that need to be considered, as follows:-
- Spouse
The test here is for reasonable financial provision in all the circumstances whether or not provision is required for maintenance.
- Other Claimants
The test is reasonable financial provision for their maintenance alone in a manner suitable to their circumstances.
Conditions And Common Guidelines For Applicants
The applicant must be domiciled in England and Wales.
The application must be submitted six months from the date of the Grant of Representation being issued.
There are certain factors that the court will take into account in relation to all applicants. These include the following:-
- Financial – in terms of balancing resources and the needs of all persons with the claim against the estate.
- Moral obligations to all Claimants.
- The size and nature of the estate.
- Mental and physical disability.
- Any other matters such as conduct or statement from the Deceased.
Spouse/Civil Partner Additional Guidelines
There are additional guidelines which take into account the spouse or civil partner including the age of the applicant, the duration of the marriage, financial contributions to the welfare of the family, whether divorce provision is expected. Of course, the application will be assessed at the court’s discretion.
Cohabitee Claims
For a cohabitee to claim, they must have cohabited with the deceased for the two years immediately before death. The court consider the age of the applicant, the period they have lived together and the contribution by the applicant to the welfare of the deceased and family.
Claims For Children
The court will take into account the type of education the child has received, the extent of any maintenance including whether the deceased assumed responsibility for the child’s maintenance and whether it was intended to continue after death. It will also consider what the basis was for the deceased assuming responsibility and for what length of time the deceased had taken responsibility for the child.
Furthermore, the court will take into account whether the deceased treated the child as a child of the family and consider the manner of the child’s education, whether the deceased assumed responsibility for the child’s maintenance, over what period of time, whether the deceased knew the applicant was his child and the liability of any other person for the child’s maintenance.
Persons Maintained By The Deceased
It is possible for other persons who were partly or wholly maintained by the deceased prior to death to include common-law wives and mistresses. If they can prove their dependency to the deceased they may also be entitled to make a claim. The court will consider to what extent the deceased made contributions to that person’s reasonable needs, the length of maintenance and whether the deceased assumed responsibilities for maintenance.
Court Orders
If the Applicant is successful, then the court will make an order against the net estate of the deceased. There are different types of orders a court can make including periodical payments, lump sums, settlements, property acquisition or variations of existing settlements.
Time Limits
A claim against an estate must be brought within 6 months of a Grant of Probate being issued. However, the Court does have the power to admit late applications in exceptional circumstances. To prevent an estate being distributed, a caveat can be lodged which prevents the Grant of Probate from being issued for 6 months. Alternatively, a Standing Search can be made to obtain details of every Grant of Probate issued in the past 12 months and in the next 6 months.
It is expensive and time-consuming to make a claim against an estate and expert legal advice is strongly recommended. Please call us on 01536 276300 or 01536 311690 or contact us online.
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