Children Act Applications

Children Act Applications

If you are currently in dispute with regard to issues relating to your children you may wish to apply to the Court for an order.

Issues could relate to where the children should live (residence) or how often you should see your children (contact). There may be a dispute regarding a child’s permanent removal from the jurisdiction or whether they should be known by another surname.

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All issues relating to children are governed by the Children Act 1989 and the Courts are able to make various orders under this act the most common of which are Residence and Contact orders.

Whenever an application is made to the Court it will be listed for an initial directions hearing. At this hearing the Court will determine what the issue is and make directions to progress the case. There are likely to be further hearings unless the parties are able to agree matters at this initial hearing.


It should be noted that a Court will have expected an individual applying for any type of order relating to children to have firstly explored the possibility of Mediation as a means of resolving their dispute.

Our Fixed Fee Children Act Application Includes:

  • Taking your instructions to identify the issue and the type of order you need to apply for.
  • Drafting the application and necessary documentation
  • Filing the paperwork with the court
  • Arranging to serve your opponent with the paperwork
  • Representing you at the initial hearing

By paying a fixed fee you can be satisfied that there are no unexpected costs.

The fixed fee is not appropriate if your case involves particularly complex issues, nor does it cover work that is required beyond the initial hearing. As there are so many ways that a case can be dealt with we will need to provide you with a detailed estimate of costs in these circumstances. Should you wish to discuss matters further before sending an enquiry please book a free telephone consultation with one of our experienced family law solicitors.

If you are currently in dispute with regard to issues relating to your children you may wish to apply to the Court for an order. Issues could relate to where the children should live or how much contact you should have to your children. There may be a dispute regarding a child’s permanent removal from the jurisdiction or whether they should be known by another surname.

All issues relating to children are governed by the Children Act 1989 and the Courts are able to make various orders under this act the most common of which are Residence and Contact Orders.

Whenever an application is made to the Court it will be listed for an initial directions hearing. At this hearing the Court will determine what the issue is and make directions to progress with the case. There are likely to be further hearings unless the parties are able to agree matters at the initial hearing.

Fees & Costs For Children Act Applications

For a breakdown of our fees and associated costs please see our family law matters fees and costs page.

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