Free Will Health Check
When was the last time you dusted off your Will?
Once you’ve made your Will it’s tempting to sit back and relax and forget about it. But from time to time (at least every 5 years) it’s a good idea to take a fresh look at it to make sure it still takes account of your wishes. The last thing you want is for your good intentions to go to waste, or even worse for the people and causes you care about most to miss out on what you wanted for them.
Have your circumstances changed?
Has any of the following happened?
• Have you entered into a new relationship or in fact got married? (Marriage revokes any Wills prior to the marriage)
• Divorce or separation?
• Recent death to a beneficiary or loved one that you have mentioned in your Will?
• Relationship breakdowns with any beneficiary named in your Will?
• Gifts of specific items that you may no longer be in possession of or want to give it to someone else?
• Financial circumstances have changed?
• Is your estate worth more than when you made your Will?
• Have your assets reduced? You may need to reflect these changes in your Will
• Have you acquired an interest under a Trust?
Above are just some of the many reasons why we recommend you review your Will and make changes if necessary.
Update your Will now
Things happen in all our lives and, if you’re not careful, you could find yourself with a Will that no longer reflects your wishes. An up-to-date Will really is the best way to make sure your wishes are carried out after your death and that the money you have worked hard for all your life actually does go to the people and the causes you want it to. If you don’t have a Will, or keep it up-to-date, your family could lose out. A simple review of your Will could help avoid all that.
Other Services
Whilst we carry out the free Will Health Check on your behalf, we can also advise you on other estate planning matters that may be of interest to you, such as Lasting Powers of Attorney and Residential Care Fee Protection.
Here for you.
We act for clients in Corby, Kettering, across Northamptonshire as well as all over the country in England and Wales. Distance is not a problem!