Legal Articles

Significance Of Pensions In Divorce Settlements

Would it surprise you to learn that only a very small percentage of women receive a share of their ex husband’s Pension as part of their settlement on divorce?

A Pension Fund, particularly in the case of couples in their 50’s or 60’s, is likely to be one of the most valuable assets of the marriage. This being the case, a Pension Sharing Order should always be considered in any negotiations for financial settlement on divorce.

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Chancel Repairs Liability

Chancel repairs liability goes as far back as the medieval era. Even though large acres of land, which were previously owned by the church, have been divided and sold to different land owners, there is still the prospective for the owners of the land built on previously own land by the church, to have an obligation to pay for the maintenance of the church’s chancel.

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Should I Get A Prenup?

‘Pre-nups’ are not, at the moment, binding in the UK although Judges can take them into account during divorce proceedings. However, the Law Commission is to consider plans to bring the legal system in England and Wales in line with other countries. It will look at whether pre-nups should be upheld by the Courts and under what circumstances.

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