In life we all face problems from time to time that can cause us to suffer from increased levels of stress. If we separate from somebody, or even worse, get divorced, then the stress levels involved are quite high but how stressful is separation or a divorce? Is it more stressful than say having financial problems or losing your job or even say for example going to prison?
We at Seatons have been doing our own research into life events that cause increased stress levels and have come up with our own Top 40 list using our own unique Seatons arbitrary scoring system.
Without further ado we set out what we believe are the Top 40 life events that cause us the most stress:-
 1 | Death of Spouse |
99 |
 2 | Divorce |
75 |
 3 | Separation |
64 |
 4 | Imprisonment |
62 |
 5 | Death of a Close Family Member |
61 |
 6 | Accident or Illness |
55 |
 7 | Getting Married |
51 |
 8 | Getting the Sack |
48 |
 9 | Retirement |
46 |
 10 | Illness of a Family Member |
43 |
 11 | Repossession of Home |
42 |
 12 | Sexual Problems |
40 |
 13 | Pregnancy |
39 |
 14 | New Family Member |
38 |
 15 | Major Business Problems |
37 |
 16 | Financial Problems |
36 |
 17 | Death of a Close Friend |
35 |
 18 | Changing Work Circumstances |
33 |
 19 | Taking on a Large Loan/Mortgage |
30 |
 20 | Family Leaving Home |
27 |
 21 | Trouble with In-Laws/Family |
26 |
 22 | Outstanding Personal Achievement |
27 |
 23 | Spouse Stops/Starts Work |
25 |
 24 | Starting/Leaving School |
24 |
 25 | Substantial Change in Living Conditions |
23 |
 26 | Trouble with Your Boss |
22 |
 27 | Substantial Change in Personal Habits |
21 |
 28 | Moving Home |
20 |
 29 | Changing School |
20 |
 30 | Change in Social Activity |
20 |
 31 | Death of a Pet |
19 |
 32 | Taking on Large Loan/Debt |
17 |
 33 | Children Getting Married |
16 |
 34 | Change in Sleeping Habits |
15 |
 35 | Change in Eating Habits |
15 |
 36 | Going on Holiday |
12 |
 37 | Children Going Travelling |
11 |
 38 | Christmas |
10 |
 39 | Children Starting Employment |
9 |
 40 | Minor Breaking of the Law |
9 |
The results are in from Seatons own arbitrary subjective poll. In our opinion divorce and separation come in at numbers 2 and 3 in the Top 40 list of most stressful life events.
So now you know what the life events are that cause stress. The big question is what can you do about it.
In our opinion stress is not caused by problems, it is often a person’s attitude towards the problems that can cause stress. Knowing the cause of stress can make it easier to deal with. Sometimes the question you need to ask yourself is now how can I rid myself of stress but how can I change my attitude towards work, events, disappointments, fears and people. Therefore changing your attitude to life can go a long way towards improving stress levels.
Physical activity can also help such as physical exercise, reducing smoking or reliance on alcohol or other drugs. Finding an outlet and maybe using stress reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation and other relaxation methods can also be of use.
If you are in the process of separating or even thinking of divorce and are stressed and need legal help and advice then please call us for a free initial chat. We are known as the Friendly Professionals and are here to help and guide you through what is obviously a very challenging and difficult time.